Backup and Disaster Recovery
Are you concerned about your ability to recover from a server crash, data deletion or complete disaster? Do you still rely on tape backup as your only means of recovery? How long do you think it would take for you to recover with a tape backup solution? By carrying out a detailed Disaster Recovery Audit, we can protect your valuable informational assets and keep downtime to a minimum. Vermont Systems’s comprehensive Backup and Disaster Recovery services for Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2012 and Windows Small Business servers represent a reasonably priced, all-encompassing solution for small-to-midsize businesses providing:- Very frequent backups (as often as every 15 minutes) with an on-site Standby Server
- Optional off-site data storage at highly rated data centers
- The ability to restore downed servers in less than 15 minutes on-site
- Access to rebooted systems within hours on our backup server in the end of a building-wide disaster
- File and folder level advanced restoration options with Exchange message and mailbox recovery
- Bare-metal restorations to dissimilar hardware
- Comprehensive, cost effective protection you can count on
Standby Server vs. Tape
Though tape backup is common, it’s far from being an ideal Business Continuity solution. Analysts have said that over half of tape backups fail, so chances are that if you need to restore from tape, you’ll be out of luck. But assuming all goes well with tape backup, how does it compare with the Standby Server solution?What happens if my server crashes?
For instance, let’s say your e-mail server goes down. What happens next? As the appliance takes snapshots frequently, administrators can choose a point in time shortly before the problem occurred to go back to. With just a few clicks of the mouse, this appliance allows you to activate it as a virtual server to keep business processes up and running. We do this while we diagnose the problem and plan a course of action for the down email server. In the event of a catastrophic server failure, our business continuity solution also includes a boot CD that allows us to perform a bare metal restore on to new hardware in a fraction of the time of a typical server rebuild.Recovery after a Catastrophe
If a disaster results in you losing your entire office – servers and on-site standby server included – then, once the dust has settled, we will deliver to you a newly imaged standby server with the most current backup (normally the last daily backup that was taken). Multiple servers can then be virtualised on one standby server, even as the device continues to perform backups of other servers. When the standby server arrives, all we need to do is plug it in and you’ll be up and running. This will then let you get a new server ordered, in place and do a restore to the new server.Off-site storage facility
For additional protection in the event of a complete disaster, data can be securely transferred to an off-site co-location facility on an hourly or daily basis (broadband limitation). Off-site co-location facilities provide benefits including:- Backup images stored at the data centers
- Network connectivity provided by multiple providers with automatic failover capabilities
- Full physical security at each facility including security cameras and key card access
- Network security from high-end redundant, automatic failover firewalls
- Fire suppression and environmental control
- Automatic backup power provided by on-site generators
Don’t allow a disaster to destroy everything you’ve worked for.
Download this FREE REPORT Today - 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For SME's
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"At all stages Vermont has remained in close communication, tackling any problems cheerfully and efficiently.
Running an investment specialist IFA needs complex integration of numerous databases and systems"Richard Palmer, Senior Planner Murdoch Asset Management

"We've set ourselves ambitious plans for business expansion through 2017 and are confident that Vermont will provide their support and guidance to help us achieve them.
This is a long-term relationship offering long-term benefits all round"Sarah Kay, Office Manager Turbo Service International