Imagine it's the end of a long workday and you're ready to head home for the evening. However, just as you're about to leave, you find out your email credentials have been hacked and critical data has been stolen from your business. As a small business, you may have to deal with similar scenarios caused by phishing attacks, ransomware, malware or any other security threat.
Do you have a plan in place to respond quickly and effectively to minimise the impact of a Cyber Breach on your business?
The War On Ukraine. What’s the Cyber threat to our businesses?

The War On Ukraine. What's the Cyber threat to our businesses?
We have all been shocked by developments in Ukraine in the last few days. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people caught up in the midst of this.
However it would be remiss of us not to consider what impact the fallout has on our organisations.
Don’t Let Hackers Ruin Your Holidays

Online shopping has become more popular than ever before. In 2020, more than 2 billion people bought products or services online. Whether they’re shopping online because it’s more convenient or they’re avoiding going to brick-and-mortar retailers during the ongoing pandemic, more people are turning to online retailers every day.
Hiring The Best Staff

Not long ago, I had a subscriber reach out to me with a challenging question. This person’s business had made many changes due to COVID-19 and the economy. They wondered when they should begin cutting people from their team. To explain my views on the matter, I like to turn to a story from the Bible.
The Real Reason Your Team Isn’t Ready To Work

The pandemic caused many employers to allow their employees to work remotely. As we enter the second winter during COVID-19, fewer people have returned to the workplace, and many wonder if they will ever return to the pre-pandemic work environment. The truth is that the virus has caused many uncertainties for people.
Netflix Reveals The Formula That Led To Its Success
Storytelling Is More Important Than Building A Presence Online
Is Your Data Secure?

In today’s culture, data security is more important than ever. It would be horrific for many if their personal information was compromised. Unfortunately, your data may not be anywhere near as secure as you might hope.
The Pegasus Project is an exposé that revealed that a piece of spyware can exploit a user’s Apple or Android devices to take control of the user’s device.
Hiring The Best Staff

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with Carter Cast, the author behind The Right – And Wrong – Stuff: How Brilliant Careers Are Made And Unmade. Hiring success has a great influence on career success, and we discussed five negative archetypes that confront employers while filling a job opening.
A Proven Method To Secure Your Business’s Network

People don’t usually think about small businesses when discussing cyber security. The media covers breaches in governmental and big-business security in excess. These entities usually have lucrative targets that attract the attention of hackers but are often backed up with an extremely protective network security system that’s difficult to crack.